We are passionate about small business and we are passionate about energy efficiency and sustainability so we do what we can to participate in awareness campaigns and programs. We also like to provide our small business education services to special people who might not have an opportunity to participate in this type of training so watch this space and our blog for opportunities like scholarships.
10 Thousand Trees
The Australian Small Business Centre Pty Ltd has joined the 10 Thousand Trees initiative to make paper a sustainable resource. 10 Thousand Trees promotes environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of paper use by planting trees to offset current use, growing those trees to maturity, and then reinvesting into more trees generation after generation. You can help support our efforts to create a sustainable future for Australia’s grandchildren. The Australian Small Business Centre Pty Ltd has been awarded the Platinum Offset Status Level and has started a legacy of 2,327 trees with 10 Thousand Trees.Find out more at www.10thousandtrees.com