Our Small Business Management course gives budding entrepreneurs-to-be all the information they need to get their own businesses off the ground — from researching the market to finally writing their own business plan. But how do you know if going into business for yourself is really for you?

Why Did our Meetup Members Become Entrepreneurs?

Mick couldn't get no satisfaction but explore becoming an entrepreneur and you just might!

Mick couldn’t get no satisfaction but explore becoming an entrepreneur and you just might!

At our recent breakfast meet-up, we found out the reasons each of our entrepreneurs started their own businesses. So from inflexible working hours to the monotony or being bored senseless day-in, day-out, we’ve put together a listicle of the top 5 reasons most entrepreneurs start their own business.

  1. Work/Life Balance: aside from being immortalised by Dolly in song, working 9-5 no longer exists. Each of our entrepreneurs expressed their desire to put the “life” back into work/life balance by going into business for themselves. Though you probably rack up more hours on the job than your salaried counterparts, you do have the freedom and flexibility of being your own boss and allowing yourself the time to do the school drop-off/pick-up.
  2. Satisfaction: our entrepreneurs could sum-up working as an employee thus: I can’t get no satisfaction. Owning and operating your own business, however, removes the drudgery of being at work because every day you’re doing something you believe in, something you’re passionate about.
  3. Money Doesn’t Make You Happy: Confucius once said: Choose a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. It doesn’t matter how much money you earn, if you don’t love what you do, you’re always going to be working hard. Besides, we spend 80 percent of our time at work — why shouldn’t you be happy doing it?
  4. The Challenge: if the prospect of performing the same tasks every single day for the rest of your working career makes you feel ill, then the corporate mould you do not fit. You do, however, fit the mould of an entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur each day is filled with a new challenge and a new opportunity that as the business owner you get to experience. Where large organisations ration the workload among workers, in a small business you get to do it all
  5. Connecting With People: fewer things got our entrepreneurs as excited as the idea of interacting with people and feeling like they’d made a difference in the lives of their clients or customers. As an entrepreneur a big part of your job is interacting with your customers on a daily basis, but that doesn’t mean it’s always sunshine and lollipops — oftentimes this can mean dealing with disputes. But as the business owner, how you handle them is at your discretion — and that means no more bureaucracy and red tape.

So if this is the sort of job advertisement you’ve been looking for, look no further — apply straight away. Enrol in our Small Business Management course and you could be on your way having the job you love and never having work another day in your life.