Cleaning Business Start up Issues

Cleaning Business Start up Issues

I had the pleasure of meeting Michelle and being her first customer for her brand new cleaning business. Michelle was excited and nervous but had the support from someone who was experienced in running a cleaning business with her. Michelle did a fantastic job and...

All Work And No Play: Overtime in Australia

Why do Aussies work without pay? Starting a new business is really hard work. In the early days it’s not uncommon to work long hours while you’re establishing yourself, and even once you are established, there are still those occasions where you’ll have to put in...

20 Questions You Need to Ask Before Starting a Business – Part I

Business structure and needs analysis when starting a business There are about twenty questions everyone should ask before starting a business. Most of those questions we cover in our Small Business Management Courses, while others we assume you’ve already thought...

Current unemployment rate highest in Australia than peak of GFC

Is there security in being an employee? The Australian Bureau of Statistics recently announced that the unemployment rate had fallen to 6 percent; news that was probably met with a collective mopping of eyebrows and sighs of relief from the Abbott government which has...